Royal Enfield "Blue V Steel" US specification... White wall tyres and other subtleties...
Royal Enfield "Blue V Steel" US specification... A few tweaks here and there but make an overall difference, the tail light section, chain guard, under seat panels, down tube exhaust protection extension, exhaust pipe ends, lower front fork and front wheel attachment plate...
I was asked for single seat options...
Royal Enfield "Blue V Steel"

Royal Enfield, it has just relocated after changes of location/ ownership an returned back to the UK. Royal Enfield have seem to have determination more than ever, commendable. This iconic motorcycle firm wants to re-establish itself in the traditional/ retro market, a crowded and competitive market sector, I see their current range centres around versions of their 50 year old “Bullet” engine. Although updated its performance and visual appeal could struggle in worldwide sales. I allowed for their styling and factored in cost efficiency considered their links to manufacturing/ obtaining a V twin engine. I present the “Blue V Steel” where I believe adding to their range in this way would enhance a wider appeal, whilst maintaining the essential look and feel of a retro added a twist to the Royal Enfield look. If anyone wishes to talk to me about my research and concept I would be more than happy as it would seem Royal Enfield seem a little unobtainable at present...

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom