Imagine if... - Imagine if your best friend and pet met your childhood imaginary friend... Just a thought...
6th Sense - One of the rare opportunities where I got to design something I wanted, the only brief was it must say and reflect personal bonding between a person and a pet. I had fun and would like thank my cat Mondie for all her help. I'm lucky she is not camera shy. She also helped in a pet picture competition...
Stretch & Hold - Cats and gentle exercise...
Cat In The Christmas Tree - Just one of those moments... a few seconds later there were some decorations less... you got to love them.
Where's the Birds ? - They here a few seconds ago... Do cats eat apples?
I don't think I need to comment lol.
A documented best worst seller in the making. lol
As it says...
Only Fun OK

I am sad to say I am one of those people who has to have a laugh sometimes about most things in life. Employers don't worry I do this after I have finished your work, and not about the work that I may have done for you. No really I take a camera most of where I go just in case... There are worse things in life. Thanks for understanding and reading.

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom