Do Mercedes have a supercharged MSC 1R concept hidden away? FEATURED ON: MCS
Mercedes MSC 1R

The 1000cc MSC 1R Supercharged Mercedes . If anyone could take on the Kawasaki H2 Supercharged 1000cc Hyperbike it would be MERCEDES... I heard rumours and illustrated what was said. In FI related colours, clear Perspex fairing side panel showing off the supercharged engine and inner workings, it has aero dynamics and flats to match, and built for two (if you can find a passenger brave enough). With a strong twin beam frame it would inspire me with more confidence than the H2’s minimal looking trellis option. The style incorporates Mercedes car touches (e.g. exhaust) and a general styling without the wheels screaming Mercedes gives you that Mercedes solid built impression. Single sided swing arm and computer controlled suspension says the ride should be under helpful supervision. Are Mercedes looking to entre the bike world (they already have 25% interests in MV Agusta)? Well this would be one hell of a statement, and would show Kawasaki the supercharging technology they have.

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom