If MZ was in the position of receiving financial injection much in the same way Skoda has from WV, MV Agusta is from Mercedes or Ducati have from Audi MZ could be like Skoda in today’s market taken very seriously. This is an idea is a little love it or hate it but is at least different. Retracting pillion seat (the idea I dare say will be stolen and copied) gives the “Street fighter” image a practical solution. With a powerful V twin engine (I found one from China) a sporty fun ride could be had all week long...
View WebsiteIf MZ was in the position of receiving financial injection much in the same way Skoda has from WV, MV Agusta is from Mercedes or Ducati have from Audi MZ could be like Skoda in today’s market taken very seriously. This is an idea is a little love it or hate it but is at least different. Retracting pillion seat (the idea I dare say will be stolen and copied) gives the “Street fighter” image a practical solution. With a powerful V twin engine (I found one from China) a sporty fun ride could be had all week long...
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