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Kawasaki ZX HR

We all look for improvement and advancement, like all auto design each new model is supposed to be better than the last but is it? Are the updates always worth doing? How far could we go today? Most new model updates are like most things, a little extra to make more money but really the main jump and advancement is only realised in the movies... I used Kawasaki as an example as they seem to try to advance things more than others in the bike world (eg new Kawasaki H2). I think in reality it could go further and have put together a supercharged 800cc Hybrid to show what really is possible to make today. No wings but does have alternative wheels and looks a little different from the normal bikes today. Console control and a possible 2 wheel drive (70% rear 30% front) the bike is not only sporty (180bhp 180mph +) it would also be possible to commute and tour on. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Thank you for viewing.

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom