above: The "iCORE" fronline, a more naked version that comes with single top box and front crash bars...
above: The "iCORE" support, a full 5 pannier touring option with leg shields and extra crash bars...
Haley Davidson "iCORE"

Some say “if Harley don't do something different they won’t be around that long” others say “Why should they do something other than what do as it’s what they do best”. I say whatever they do or are doing Harley Davidson could do a lot better, give a new generation not just something new but a practical alternative.My idea, let’s call it something trendy with longevity “The ICORE”, that’s American enough and would suit a particular market sector. Let’s not tell anyone I'm not American but say a 1200cc V twin, 130bhp to give it its own identity, give it a multi tasking ability and a touch of rawness returning back to the roots. First an everyday version for the commuter, bit of an off roader, and an offer individual difference. Let’s call it the “ICORE FRONTLINE”. Want to tour, do some courier work and own something that does something they don’t want to buy a Honda Goldwing for and is cheaper, how about an “ICORE SUPPORT”. Available in other colours coming soon, so what do you think?

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom