Me & Myself - Modeling graphic work
Truckers Stop Guide 1 - 2 Days for two Truckers Stop Guide Covers. Idea - Photography - Design - Printed Mock-Up. Must be simple and easy to identify... Idea no 1.
Truckers Stop Guide 2 - 2 Days for two Truckers Stop Guide Covers. Idea - Photography - Design - Printed Mock-Up. Must be simple and easy to identify... Idea no 2.
Silverstone 2011 motoGP - Well yes, I was there, in the rain and cold conditions with several thousand other Valentino Rossi fans. I promoted myself as a fan for the fans and gave these out free. I ran out very very quickly, but it seems the public loved the keep sake... Oh my details are on the reverse side...
Morning After The Night Before - Has anyone stopped to think about the spider?
Once Upon Your Time - Ever thought "But 20 years ago"
Event Hair Stylist - Something I put together being given a very short time to do it in for a doordrop promo. To work it must grab the attention of the ladies... Postcard... The customer was happy so I quess I am too even though it's not my field of design, but design is design and I enjoyed the challenge... So what do you think?
Graphic Work

I have been asked now and then to design things like these graphic designed images. It's how I came about and I respect my roots and why I started my design life. Humour where possible, a message in the picture, and as interesting as possible to make people look is what it is all about... Well I tried. Thanks for looking and reading.

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom