The "BLACK RUSSIAN" version, with suspension and performance upgrades and lead lead the range as the high sports flagship model...
All versions together, the image needed to promote the bike, I designed T-shirts and helmet for example. The New Age image would be fresh faced techno inspiration for a new COSSACK modern bike identity...
This shows my T-Shirts designs in case you're not a bike fan :-))... it all goes together...
This shows the continuous evolution I put in through the development of the new COSSACK VZR Shock Wave designs...
A quick illustration to highlight some of the points I felt were both needed and necessary to make this new machine a success...
...and with a touch of glamour the bike is born and kept in a Russian theme of promotion and image, it was also designed in mind as both a boy's and girl's toy, why not, I feel there is something for every rider here no matter the age or gender.... "Coming to a show near you"
Thank You...
Cossack VZR-C1 800

"No homemade bikes, even Ural (only Russian Bike) are owned by an American firm and their HQ I believe is in the USA. I can't imagine the USA would like Harley Davidson owned by the Kremlin and made in Moscow so why has this happened? This not personal ok but such a shame, you can contact me to fix this...
If Russia has such a modern military might and great space age credentials surely building a modern day motorcycle be such a great deal and difficult to do, can it?

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom