With my idea of the pull out sliding passenger/pillion seat out...
With a sports compact orientation it should meet the need for speed riders...
Here are 3 colours that include a traditional nod of BSA green to offer the market. The BLUE images show the seat in and out. "THANK YOU" FOR YOUR TIME AND VIEWING MY IDEAS...
BSA e.c. i STAR concept (1 of 3)

Just a concept idea of how if BSA were going to make motorcycles again what I consider could be a noticeable design. This model is a sports oriented design, I know most electric designs today seem to be based on a plastic design you would see on a kitchen counter next to the designer coffee maker and smoothie machine, but as I do I tried to keep an identity to the brand and importantly still look like a motorcycle. With extendable pull out seat for a passenger I incorporated x6 power cells 3 each side also detachable if needed. I hope all who see it enjoy it and is an inspiration to the people who look for something practical and modern with a touch of tradition...

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom