Login Screen
LogIn Screen - Design Detail, Design Intent and Communications with the Lead Programmer - This also shows the workflow and interactions on the assets.
Home Screen
Rollover Contact Lists; Hover over the component to reveal your contacts, this keeps them out of site but always to hand within an instant.
Contact Lists are categorised by "Groups" which are defined by the user, "Companies" and "Individuals (people)", Each category can be individually search on and has the option of in situ editing and adding new contacts.
Work Windows
Screen showing how a full and busy work window would look on the smallest screen aspect ratio.
Communications Screen - Historical Record of Work Window
Detailed Design / Graphical Wire Fames / Workflows; This show the various ways in which user can access and use the software to input data whether in situ or via popups. Every aspect of the software has been designed to allow key features at the users finger tips and readily available.
Icon Design Work; Designed Bespoke and specifically for this software
Sample selection of Assets; Showing the various states within the designed components, this is only small sections designed bespoke for this CRM Software.
Software Design - CRM System

Software Design Project: Design and Development of a CRM System, every aspect of this software has been designed by myself as the sole designer on this project. The application is large so I'm only showing a sample of the work here.

The key thing I strive for is to create good looking, fun, easy to use products with simple intuitive user interactions and interface. The journey through the software for me should be a pleasure with everything easy to access.
I’m a big believer in ‘Keep It Simple’

Lee Mears
Product, Graphic & Software Designer Leicester, United Kingdom