Historic Schoolhouse Renovation
Historic Schoolhouse Renovation
Historic Schoolhouse Renovation
Historic Schoolhouse Renovation
Historic Schoolhouse Renovation
Historic Schoolhouse Renovation
Historic Schoolhouse Renovation
2 Financial Center - Redesign of building lobby. Creation of Finish plan, RCP, custom elevations and details.
2 Financial Center - Redesign of building lobby. Creation of Finish plan, RCP, custom elevations and details.
Channel Center Marketing Boards - Renovaton and tenant build out of an existing warehouse. I created marketing boards to allocate where proposed tenant space will be designed.
Channel Center Marketing Boards - Renovaton and tenant build out of an existing warehouse. I created marketing boards to allocate where proposed tenant space will be designed.
2 Financial Center Common Corridor
2 Financial Center Common Corridor
Manchester Head Start Finish Plan
Interior Design_Professional Work
Laura DiSenso
Interior Designer Washington, DC