The main entrance into the design floor would reveal bright wayfinding to help the visitors or designers find which area they needed to go to.
During events, if needed, posters that would be hung on a rail from the ceiling could be pulled out to show any work that needed to be presented on the day. Once the event was over, the posters could be moved back to the end of the rail out of the way.
This is how the space would usually look, until furniture would need to be moved around for different events.
This space on the design floor was really to celebrate designers' successes outside of work. It gave them a chance to showcase any of their work they completed outside of Barclays, so other staff could get to know more about them. We also incorporated a 'family tree' for all of the employees. This would be for visitors but also for designers to get to know who else works on their floor.
This space would be used by designers when they wanted somewhere to sit and work on a project. The wall shows the design process, which can be used as inspiration for the designers. The screen on the wall will also have the graphic showing on it until it is used for a presentation etc.
Barclays Design Floor

During an internship with Barclays design team, within the group of interns, we had to re-design an area of the design floor that would act as a showcase space for designers work, but also a presentation area and work area for the designers. My part in the project was to design a scale model of the redesigned space. I completed the scale model with Jena Kitley and Sandika Dhawan.

Lauren Joseph
Product Designer London, United Kingdom