Dust Cover - The Keepits, the tale of a messy mousey family, was designed my senior year of college. I wrote the story, and designed all of the illustrations, gaining inspiration from people like Shel Silverstein and my Mom. She keeps telling me to get rid of my useless junk.
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Board Game concept - The method behind this game is cross between Concentration and that popular game with the Fish that spins around and you have to collect them with your pole. The object is to get all of the stuff of your color as the rooms spin...that is...before the house explodes!
Interactive Feature Plush - PJ Keepit, undoubtedly the star of The Keepits book is here to play! This soft, cuddly feature plush comes with all the accessories you would need to start the first grade. He talks, asking for things like "I'd like to take a bite of the Red apple, please." hold the apple to his mouth and he makes a crunching sound! Intended to teach children color recognition, item recognition, following directions and manners.
The Keepits Storybook
Laura Mansdorf
Exceptionally Hardworking Product/Graphic Designer Mineola, NY