Senior Project: F ck Fracking- This is a poster designed to protest the process of fracking which is ruining great parts of our country. Many people don't understand just how terrible the process of hydraulic fracture drilling is for our environment. The longer it is allowed to happen, the more irreversible damage is done.
Class Project: Anti-Fracking Newsletter Page 1 - Front of a double sided newsletter about the dangerous effects of fracking. Designed after the fracking poster to make a set. Front focuses on fracking safety.
Class Project: Anti-Fracking Newsletter Page 2 - Back of a double sided newsletter about the dangerous effects of fracking. Designed after the fracking poster to make a set. Back focuses on local cases of fracking problems.
Class project: L337 GAM3R Magazine Cover - Cover for the ficticious gaming magazine, L337 GAM3R. Featuring the cover of the hit game Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood.
Class Project: Call for Entries - A poster designed for the Marywood Wall Calendar encouraging students to submit their work for use in the calendar.
Class Project: Orphan Works Ad - Ad warning about the importance of copyrighting work, specifically concerning orphan works.
Class Project: Mac Brochures - Set of three one-sided brochures for three different Mac products. Emphasis was on unity amongst the set.
Class Project: Anti-smoking Ad - Anti-smoking ad showing several of the ill effects of smoking.
Poster designed for a client who hosted a music class called School of Rock. Client requested a poster reminiscent of poster designed in the 60's and 70's.
Print Work
Kyle Van Zandbergen
Graphic Artist Scranton, PA