Bullard Blanchard
Architecture brochure - The LOF Productions architecture brochure was sent to the top 100 architectural and construction firms throughout the Southeast to introduce them to our services, and it served as a small portfolio. Its success was evident not only in attracting new clients, but reintroducing us to several of our former clients.
Chiro Carolina - The Chiro Carolina Clinic brochure was designed to educate their patient base of the practice’s new management, direction and logo, while reassuring patients that they could expect to receive the same quality care as always.
SeaRay catalog - Sportswear and accessories catalog for SeaRay, this exclusive, yearly sixteen page catalog is distributed to employees and current SeaRay boat owners.
Promotional pieces for DASH courier service
Myers Park UMC poster - Poster design for Myers Park United Methodist Church. Advertising the book and it's images, of the church's rich history and unique architectural features.
1-800-flowers - Introducing 1-800-flowers to the Charlotte market, the ad appeared in SouthPark and Charlotte magazines.
Design / Print
Kyle Flory
Art Director Charlotte, NC