Drei girls in bunny masks

The project I've done is: gaming and horror scene; it creates a platform for those in circles to that point of view from myself and my fellow friends favorite icon. Im not only just a gaming die heart fan of anime/manga nor a gamer in all. Not a Netflix chill person but the creativity speaks more than my love for food. It shares a bond from inspiration, to effects, and more importantly the diversity between scenes on a screen and art protrayed across the media. This is the meaning behind it all, as those who say art is a book telling the story. Where as a book speaks and tells the words written, I'm no professional; but, the art portrays more than the mind can create of distortion and illusions. Art truthfully states more then the eye can visually see. In this statement the art create those binding of use to the dark atmospheric to the visuals of the characters, being expressed as a horror story to anatomies.

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