Ashton seating (custom) from ERG International with Arc-Com, Intersect fabric. ERG Tivoli banquette units.
Teknion, Doubleton seating with Arc-Com Intersect fabric. Custom Eisys mobile whiteboards. Global, Caprice study table chairs.
Teknion iE computer stations. SitOnIt Relay seating with Momentum, Knack fabric.
Custom OFS circulation desk with book returns.
Custom OFS Circulation desk with book drops.
Laptop plug-in area with Global Bridges. SitOnIt, Relay chairs with Momentum, Knack fabric.
Teknion iE computer workstations. SitOnIt Relay chairs with Momentum, Knack fabric.
Teknion iE computer stations. SitOnIt, Relay chairs with Momentum, Knack fabric.
Custom Berco collaboration table. Global Caprice sled-base chairs with Momentum, Knack fabric.
TTU Library

This project was completed in cooperation with the Tennessee Tech in-house interior designer. It features a custom circulation desk from OFS, study and computer carrels from Teknion, study tables from Berco, task seating from Global and SitOnIt, and lounge seating from ERG International and Teknion.

Kelly Reaves
Interior Designer/Project Manager Cane Ridge, TN