TTU Health Services TTU Health Services from Kelly Reaves TTU Health Services All furniture, finish, and fabric selection by Kelly Reaves (CFA) and Tiffany Davidson (TTU). Health Services Waiting Room - Lesro Savoy seating with Momentum, Hermosa fabric. Private Office 2 - Teknion Expansion desk and storage and SitOnIt Achieve guest seating with Momentum, Maxim fabric. Private Office - Indiana, Madera desk and storage, SitOnIt Glove chair, and Indiana Klarete guest seating with Momentum, Pomona fabric. Conference Room - Teknion Expansion tables and SitOnIt Relay chairs with Momentum, Maxim fabric. Break Room - Izzy Rylee tables with Izzy Hannah chairs and Teknion Doubleton lounge chair with Momentum, Pomona fabric. gLike TTU Health Services All furniture, finish, and fabric selection by Kelly Reaves (CFA) and Tiffany Davidson (TTU). Interior Design Share R 7 n Kelly Reaves Interior Designer/Project Manager Cane Ridge, TN Follow Contact