
It is commonly believed that leaving electronic device chargers (such as those for cell phones, hand-held devices, and laptops) plugged into a power source wastes such a small amount of electricity that it’s not worth unplugging the charger. Perhaps some people don’t even know when they unplug their device from the charger, it still draws power.

PowerCutter was designed to address this issue. There is a simple built-in switch inside the socket. One of the entrant wires connects directly to the switch, and it is turned off when the socket is not connected to a device. Thus, the main circuit is inoperative and it does not draw energy even though the adaptor is still plugged into the wall outlet. Once the socket is plugged into a device, switch will be operated and the circuit is connected.

With PowerCutter, people do not need to worry about unplugging their charger because it will not draw unused energy any longer. Moreover, the durability of the adaptor would be enhanced.

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Kourosh Mahdavi
Industrial Design Tehran, Iran