This is an image of the model.
This is an image of the model with the camera in a different position.
This is an image of the model with a different rotation.
This is an image of the model with the spheres rotated.
This is a GIF made from a snippet of a video presentation I made for this project.
This is a GIF made from a snippet of a video presentation I made for this project.
This is a GIF that shows my OpenGL component.
3D Graphics and Animation Project

As part of my coursework in my 3D Graphics and Animation module, we were tasked to show some of the techniques and methods that we had learnt over the semester and make use of Maya, Unreal Engine, and OpenGL to display our work. This work had to show our modelling, animation, and basic lighting (through both Maya’s Arnold renderer and shader coding within OpenGL) skills.

The main tasks were to:
- Model and render an object in Maya and display some photos of this object within a simple scene.
- Export the object (with any animations made in Maya) and the scene into Unreal Engine, and film the animation unfolding from different cameras to capture several angles.
- Export the object into a graphics API (OpenGL), add logic within the shaders to perform light calculations, and add some additional logic so that the model could come apart.

(Please note this was modelled from an existing product that is copyrighted by Recent Toys and can be found at

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Kirk McAllister
Game Designer Edinburgh, United Kingdom