Premium Video Editions - Managed and Designed Cengage Learnings' Personal Video Editions. Designed the skin for each player to match the books brand. Encoded all videos to flv. Tracked and fixed all bugs using Jira, adhering to a strict QA cycle. These CD, DVD and web streaming multimedia video packages accompanied many of cengage’s top selling books adding value to the text.
Premium Video Editions - Managed and Designed Cengage Learnings' Personal Video Editions. Designed the skin for each player to match the books brand. Encoded all videos to flv. Tracked and fixed all bugs using Jira, adhering to a strict QA cycle. These CD, DVD and web streaming multimedia video packages accompanied many of cengage’s top selling books adding value to the text.
Premium Video Editions - Managed and Designed Cengage Learnings' Personal Video Editions. Designed the skin for each player to match the books brand. Encoded all videos to flv. Tracked and fixed all bugs using Jira, adhering to a strict QA cycle. These CD, DVD and web streaming multimedia video packages accompanied many of cengage’s top selling books adding value to the text.
Premium Video Editions - Managed and Designed Cengage Learnings' Personal Video Editions. Designed the skin for each player to match the books brand. Encoded all videos to flv. Tracked and fixed all bugs using Jira, adhering to a strict QA cycle. These CD, DVD and web streaming multimedia video packages accompanied many of cengage’s top selling books adding value to the text.
Premium Video Editions - Managed and Designed Cengage Learnings' Personal Video Editions. Designed the skin for each player to match the books brand. Encoded all videos to flv. Tracked and fixed all bugs using Jira, adhering to a strict QA cycle. These CD, DVD and web streaming multimedia video packages accompanied many of cengage’s top selling books adding value to the text.
Premium Video Editions - Managed and Designed Cengage Learnings' Personal Video Editions. Designed the skin for each player to match the books brand. Encoded all videos to flv. Tracked and fixed all bugs using Jira, adhering to a strict QA cycle. These CD, DVD and web streaming multimedia video packages accompanied many of cengage’s top selling books adding value to the text.
Premium Video Editions - Managed and Designed Cengage Learnings' Personal Video Editions. Designed the skin for each player to match the books brand. Encoded all videos to flv. Tracked and fixed all bugs using Jira, adhering to a strict QA cycle. These CD, DVD and web streaming multimedia video packages accompanied many of cengage’s top selling books adding value to the text.
Premium Video Editions
Kevin Prince
UI/UX Designer Boston, MA