The main thrusts of the campaign were social media posts and paid ads.
Based on the idea that the audience would appreciate adding more ironic clothing to their wardrobe, we also designed a series of t-shirts.
So visitors to the exhibition could take home a souvenir, or so they could share their experience the old-fasioned (AKA hip) way, we applied our designs to postcards, too.
Carnegie Museum of Art Peter Muller-Munk Campaign

For an exhibition of everyday items not commonly considered art we launched a multi-pronged campaign directed at a younger audience not commonly considered the museum's audience.

By using tongue-in-cheek copy that appealed to this audience's hipster/vintage sensibilities, we put the spotlight on the individual objects designed by Pittsburgh-based industrial artist Peter Muller-Munk and how they defy the norm--what more could a hipster ask for?

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Kevin Meehan
Senior Copywriter Pittsburgh, PA