Street Board - A new breed of extreme sports Designed By: Kerry Prince Senior year The Street Board is a skateboard deck mounted to plastic Snake Rails designed to slide across pavement, wood, metal, and most hard materials. This allows for the user to look at their surroundings in a new and explorative way. Starting with the surfboard people have enjoyed the thrill of gliding on their surroundings. There have been a couple of highly successful extreme sports derived from surfing including skateboarding and snowboarding. These sports were not made popular by the objects but more by the culture that was created by the users. I plan to use the culture that has come from surfing (the need to get radical) and the common interest of civil disobedience to carry the street board to a level where it’s users will create their own culture.
Charrel - A recycled seating solution Designed in a three day project by: Matt Bruno/ Keith Hatton/ Evan Dudley/ Colleen Simmons/ Brett Duncan/ Kerry Prince. My senior year Charrel is a low-cost seating solution that is made from wasted 55-gallon barrels. Made of high-density polyethylene, Charrel is a simple and durable chair that is ideal for both indoor and outdoor environments.
Left-Over Bites - Recycling leftovers for a family's best friend Designed by: Kerry Prince Junior year Americans trash 16 million tons of excess food every year. Approximately 43 million of those Americans own dogs. Leftover bites is an appliance used for changing leftovers into dog treats. It is designed to make people more aware of their waste and create a local use for it. The bone shape of the bites is used to disassociate human food from dog food. After interviewing some dog owners I realized this was necessary because they said, “the problem with feeding my dog table scraps is afterwards he’ll beg.” Left Over Bites is a practical way of recycling excess food while creating a product dogs will love.
Glitch - A playfull look at everyday objects Designed by: Kerry Prince Sophmore year Glitch is an exploration of subtle design modifications, which in a covert way amplifies the natural inclination to play with ubiquitous objects. Product life? Some objects are only made for one use and after that use end up in a landfill. In order to avoid this short lived cycle Glitch incorporates factors that encourage continual use. Adding a playful side to an object that already has a strictly defined purpose encourages the consumer to prolong their use of it. Which in turn prolongs the life of the object.