Solar Food Dryer (on ground)

Very fortunately, I was able to travel to Kenya with a small group of students so that we could learn more about our designs and possibly build them.

Once in Kenya, I was able to re-create the design in the village of Ndabibi. The process took less than an hour, and many local teachers, who were also famers, gathered around to help and learn more about the process. It was our hope that those who do not have the resources to store their food can use this simple and effective system to preserve their food for at least a few months more.

After a few months back in the U.S., Josphat e-mailed me and said that he is still using his food dryer, and that he uses it not only for fruit, but for meats and seeds as well. He also said that he has helped a few farmers try to build their own solar dryers.

Kelsey Hageman
Industrial Designer Reading, PA