Solar Food Dryer (in studio)

Our studio was introduced to Josphat Maccharia, a farmer in Ndabibi, Kenya. He told us that there were a larger number of problems he has encountered while tending to his farm, such as electricity, water shortages, and food preservation. We asked ourselves, how do you preserve food without running water or electricity?

Once we realized how much food was going to waste due to the inability to save it, we knew there had to be something done. In Kenya, there are rainy and dry seasons. During the rainy season there is an abundance of food, but in the dry season there is hardly any. By creating a solar food dryer made out of very accesible resources for Kenyans, farmers will be able to dehydrate fruits, vegetables, meat and seeds so that they can last months after the rainy season is over.

Our idea was simple, to integrate the use of solar food drying to the village of Ndabibi by using cheap, and easy to find materials.

Kelsey Hageman
Industrial Designer Reading, PA