FluMist - A shirt I output on the first time on a polyester fabric. Screen printing has been extremely interesting as well as complex. There's always something new to learn, especially about the range of garments we use. I didn't know that it was going to end up on TV, but I'm glad they got such nice people to model it. I think the beautiful women really help bring out the Wilfex White. Don't play with the flu! http://www.flumist.com/
Orange County Choppers shirt - Orange County Choppers wanted a new design for ladies’ shirts. They wanted it to be a simple one-color print, but not just their logo. I added in a tattoo heart around the logo. It is available for sale at http://shop.orangecountychoppers.com/products2.cfm/ID/3754/name/women%60s-black-tye-dye-tee
Cars 2 - Hollywood Theatres orders thousands of shirts for employees to promote movies currently playing. Disney would provide the art files, which then required adjustment for an eight-color screen printing process.
Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - Hollywood Theatres orders thousands of shirts for employees to promote movies currently playing. Disney would provide the art files, which then required adjustment for an eight-color screen printing process.
Tron - Hollywood Theatres orders thousands of shirts for employees to promote movies currently playing. Disney would provide the art files, which then required adjustment for an eight-color screen printing process.
Fishead Custom Printing
Jean Kelleher
Illustrator + Graphic Designer Portland, OR