Willie Brew'd Scotch Whisky - Willie Brew’d is a packaging concept for Scotch Whisky that represents Stirling, Scotland, one of the main regions where Whisky is brewd. This packaging represents the origins and tradition of brewing scotch whisky, including the oak casks that the whisky must remain in for 3 years in order to be considered “scotch whisky” and the play on the song, “Willie Brew’d A Peck Of Malt”, that was sang by munks while brewing the whisky hundreds of years ago.
Willie Brew'd Scotch Whisky - Willie Brew’d is a packaging concept for Scotch Whisky that represents Stirling, Scotland, one of the main regions where Whisky is brewd. This packaging represents the origins and tradition of brewing scotch whisky, including the oak casks that the whisky must remain in for 3 years in order to be considered “scotch whisky” and the play on the song, “Willie Brew’d A Peck Of Malt”, that was sang by munks while brewing the whisky hundreds of years ago.