sweet frightened potato

Sad Frankenstein butternut squash

So many chicken feet, so little time.

Chicken feet. Great for hanging on christmas trees and rear view mirrors.

Animatronic macaw. My job was to skin the animatronic framework of the bird. The bird's neck and jaw are movable and can be animated. I sculpted the face, skull, and fabricated the body out of rigid and flexible materials. The feathers had to be painstakingly glued into the flexible fabric body of the bird. Eyelashes, facial feathers, and a plume of hair were the finishing touches on the macaw.

I took a job making whimsical toothbrush holders.

Miriam and Miriam doll fast asleep.

Miriam doll

Miriam and Miriam doll finally meet.

Miriam doll

The Making of Miriam Doll - A life size baby doll of my infant daughter, Miriam.

Old Man

Young Einstein

David Byrne

Old Man

Old Man

Old Man - 9" x 5" wax head

Hospital Pals

life cast rubber hand - silicone, oil paint

Susan Comfort Doll's plush body has adjustable heat. The heated core simulates human body temperature and makes her extra fun to cuddle with.

Susan, Comfort Doll - Susan, Comfort Doll with Heated Core. The new adjustable heated core simulates human body temperature. Susan offers comfort and companionship.

Susan, Comfort Doll with Heated Core. The adjustable heated core simulates human body temperature. Susan offers comfort and companionship.

Susan and Aya

Baby Doll

Baby Doll

Stumpy - Animatronic breather. A servo motor is programmed to pump a set of bellows inside the chest cavity. The chest rises and falls, air enters and exits the mouth. The sound of heavy breathing can be heard.

Dolorus - Animatronic eyes move slightly when activated by a motion sensor.




Clotho - under life-size

Sancho Panza - 11" wax figure

Sancho Panza

Grotesque - under life-size

Grotesque - under life-size

Grotesque - under life-size

Grotesque - under life-size

Dish Face - over life-size

Veiled Woman - life-size