Prolific - Image manipulation starting from an object (chain links) and moving on to the distortion and extrapolation of imagery created from that object. Forms created from black and white photos with extreme alterations in focus, contrast, and levels.
Type Timeline - A poster displaying the progression of typography through informational captions of various notable typefaces. The timeline itself is meant to mimic natural growth, with the first three typefaces being the root of all the others that followed. Each gradation of gray represents a century, allowing for the 1900s to be spread out and the earlier centuries condensed.
Architecture Cyanotype - Poster created for the School of Architecture at UIUC. This poster was originally created using a cyanotype, which was then scanned in and edited in Photoshop for "Precision," the theme of this project. The imagery used in this piece was taken from the manipulation of chain links from another project, "Prolific."
SEE - An interpretation of Shepard Fairey's OBEY poster campaign using a mugshot self portrait.
Anti-Smoking Propaganda - Text reads "Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to [your] everyone's health". In the text, the word "your" is much smaller and partially covered by "everyone's" to emphasize the idea that smoking around others harms them a lot, too.
Poster Collection
Karen Burcham
Graphic Designer New Lenox, IL