Artworks were created by keeping in mind the perforations of the jali thus having a positive as well as negative form.
As the jalis were constructed in the tesellation manner, the basic geometric forms like circles, squares, hexagon, octagon etc in different sizes were overlapped on each other thus creating a channel like structure.
The jali composition representing with the circular form to create a floral pattern was placed to form a perforated stone or latticed screen with an ornamental construction through the use of geometry.
By keeping the geometrical aspect in the tessellation, more organic forms were incorporated instead of the geometric shapes. Subsequently the inlay work on the walls of the Palaces with detailed floral patterns are further studied for the center motif of the jali.
The different palcemement in the perforated jali of the same single flower was explored.
JALI : A print designed for “PATINA DESIGNS"

A print inspired from the Mughal architecture jali. The use of tessellation and geometry in the Mughal architecture was emphasized to create different styles of jali.

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kanishka Kumari
Textile Designers | Enterprenuer Navi Mumbai, India