Housing studio: Process - The design process was an exploration of tension between trace and pattern, past and future. The act of tracing is confined to the site, while the act of pattern making is a product of the future. Standard construction modules are manipulated forming a geographic memoir of what was or may have been. This tension forms the geometric basis for the new proposal.
Housing studio: design investigations - A sketch exploring 3 dimensional pattern projections and the use of poche as private space.
Housing studio: design investigations - Sketches investigating the revelation of layers from private space to public at the sleeping quarters.
Housing studio: design investigations - A model study of the elevated sleeping quarters, investigating the notion of revelation. Here revelation is expressed by revealing architectonic layers as one transitions from private space to public.
Housing studio: model aerial view - Aerial view of final design presentation model
Housing studio - Study model showing elevated sleeping quarters and double height community space.
Skyscraper studio: intro - The next series of slides (2.00 - 2.09) are of investigations while in skyscraper studio at the University of Cincinnati
Site: Intersection of Wabash and Kinzie, Chicago IL. (River north area)
Skyscarper studio: The suffix - suffix [n. suhf-iks; v. suhf-iks, suh-fiks]verb 4. to affix at the end of something. Conceptually I was interseted in exploring the relationship between three components; the square, the village and the tower. The site is bookended by squares, one (enclosed) being the inverse of the other. The tower is formed (conceptually) by taking the village + square and standing them upright, thus having an enclosed square on top of the tower.
Skyscraper studio: The suffix - A schematic floor plan investigating the connection and transition between the three components; tower, village and square.
Skyscraper studio: Design investigations - A sketch exploring differences between the vertical village versus the horizontal village.
Skyscraper studio: Design investigations - Early sketch exploring the transitional space between horizontal and vertical villages.
Skyscraper studio: The suffix - A model study showing the vertical village and square.
Skyscraper studio: The suffix - A model study showing the vertical village and square
Skyscraper studio: The suffix - A model study showing the vertical village and square.
Skyscraper studio: The suffix - A model study showing the vertical village and square.
Graduate School - University of Cincinnati school of design architecture art and planning

Graduate school: Design studios