"Curriculum Vitae Personified" - per·son·i·fy: v. 1. to attribute personal form to things or abstractions" (especially as an artistic or literary technique) Traditionally the CV has tried to offer a depiction of the candidate without the use of imagery. The "CV personified" project offers an alternate notion. The objective is to utilize imagery and collage to personalize the CV and create a richer, more intimate description.
0.0 - One advantage of being born and raised in a large metropolitan city like Chicago is that it has prepared me to be a world citizen. At an early age I grew an appreciation for different ethnicities, cultures and neighborhoods which fed my desire to travel. Persona: I love the color Red
2.5 - My collegiate experiences have had a tremendous impact on me. Studying abroad as an undergraduate (Univ. Wis. Milwaukee to Paris, France) allowed me to both learn and experience great architecture. Graduate school (Univ. of Cincinnati) a program with mandatory internships encouraged us to get experience from firms in different cities. This experience broadened my view of the profession by exposing me to many means and methods being utilized today. Persona: I strive try to remain a tourist
5.0 - I've been fortunate enough to have worked on many types of architectural projects at various firms. I've had experiences in hospitality, commercial, corporate, institutional, residential, urban planning and interior design. Each area, an ever expanding body of knowledge, forces one to keep pursuing, learning and striving forward. Persona: I’m fascinated by the relationship between social conflict and form
7.5 - I've also been fortunate enough to have taught design studios at various schools and to have been invited to participate on many design juries. It is vital for me to maintain a link between the educational and the professional arena as both develop different aspects of my design sensibilities, character and professional life. Persona: My design philosophy hinges on the spark generated by the tension of opposites
CV Personified

per·son·i·fy: v.
1. to attribute personal form to things or abstractions" (especially as an artistic or literary technique)