House of Souls

This project, holy cow! I learned so much! I was able to figure out a method to get portals to spawn and despawn in a different locations every 30s, a count down timer, ammo, health AND an enemy that chases you around. I went with this fantastic Vendeo model from the Unity store, then used an elk cry sound on aggro to create an absolutely chilling experience! It's death noise is similar, and it grunts when damaged. All of the lighting for the level was set lower so it would create a haunted atmosphere. Playing with light coloring was a lot of fun! I primarily used red to carry the spooky overtones. This is the first game I built from the ground up, and was a completely solo project and I loved it. I intend to come back and make more levels at some point! Knowing what I do now, there are a lot of areas to polish!
If you would like to see a video of the gameplay, please go here:

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Kaitlyn Grace
Game Designer Saint Paul, MN