Fun Stuff Fun Stuff from Julie Wright fun stuff Think Spring - This image was created in Illustrator. It is also available as a 3 dimensional cut paper sculpture. mermaid - This image was created in Illustrator. It is also available as a 3 dimensional cut paper sculpture. Children of the world - This image was created in Illustrator. It is also available as a 3 dimensional cut paper sculpture. Jackson's boat - This image was created in Illustrator. It is also available as a 3 dimensional cut paper sculpture. Cozy cats - This image was created in Illustrator. It is also available as a 3 dimensional cut paper sculpture. witch - This image was created in Illustrator. It is also available as a 3 dimensional cut paper sculpture. Kirstie's Wish - This image was created in Illustrator. It is also available as a 3 dimensional cut paper sculpture. Santa Claus - This image was created in Illustrator. It is also available as a 3 dimensional cut paper sculpture. Peace Dove - This image was created in Illustrator. It is also available as a 3 dimensional cut paper sculpture. gLike fun stuff Illustrator Illustration Share R 7 n Julie Wright Illustrator/Graphic Designer Batavia, NY Follow Contact