This is a current project in which I am touching up a website made using templates from the host site. The website is, which sells natural body products including soap, moisturizer and lip balm. The aesthetic is simple but luxurious, and takes its cue from the color of the products and the silver and clear-frosted packaging.
A client needed a front page of a website designed to include in a Powerpoint presentation for a purposal of this site. It needed to have a news ticker, a Twitter feed, links to similar blogs, a video portal, and a small area for "Fun Facts." The green background and star-burst images coincide with the branding of the purposed website.
This is a current website project, in which I am building a website for a digital photography company. They have a great number of assorted products and services, so organization of this information if of utmost importance. I will update this listing with a link to this website once it is up and running!
Website design
Julie Miller
Owner of Julie Louise Design Mississauga, Canada