Business Cards
Some examples of my Logo designs.
An updated Turn-Around Time chart I designed for Precious Invitations. The previous chart was text based, which customers did not bother to read through. This chart is a solution in response to the high volume of phone calls from customers asking about turn-around time. The challenge was to condense a lot of information and details into 1 visual chart.
Logo, Postcard and Letterhead for MNN - The Massachusetts Nonprofit Network commisioned me to design a logo for their Annual MNN/AGM Conference & Expo. My requirements included using the phrase "Leading The Way" in the logo, and using the 5 colors of the MNN and AGM logos. After the initial logo was finalized, I then designed letterhead and an advertisement postcard for the MNN.
Sample work for Sodexo - These are a few samples of the Photoshop work I've done for Sodexo, a facilities management company. They often require photo simulations of proposed project work to include in project bids and presentations. I also provide graphic design for signage, symbols, and any other design that enables them to provide a safer and more organized environment for their employees.
Postcard and Letter sized invitations for Adamo art exhibit.
Sample brochure cover.
Maximilian Menu - *Note: This menu was created as a sample of my graphic design skills only. Any similarity to a real or fictional restuarant/menu is purely coincidental and unintentional.
Graphic Design
Julie Miller
Owner of Julie Louise Design Mississauga, Canada