T-Race - This is a fourth year proyect, is a collapsible road bicycle. This concept try to minimize the volume of a road bike in a smaller one in 3 parts to be assembled easily. The portotype of the bike is made in fiberglass and metal.

T-Race - This is a fourth year proyect, is a collapsible road bicycle. This concept try to minimize the volume of a road bike in a smaller one in 3 parts to be assembled easily. The portotype of the bike is made in fiberglass and metal.

T-Race Prototype Photos - This is a fourth year proyect, is a collapsible road bicycle. This concept try to minimize the volume of a road bike in a smaller one in 3 parts to be assembled easily. The portotype of the bike is made in fiberglass and metal.

T-Race - T-Race Protoype

T-Race Prototype

T-Race Prototype

T-Race Prototype