Transformers Poster: Freedom Fighter Optimus Prime - A series of posters based on Hasbro's Transformers products. Each features a single character from the Transformers mythos with a one word phrase that encompasses them. Done in the style of their characteristic 'faction emblems' to create a striking, graphic aesthetic rarely seen in the franchise. Transformers are legal property of Hasbro.
Transformers Poster: Arise, Rodimus - A series of posters based on Hasbro's Transformers products. Each features a single character from the Transformers mythos with a one word phrase that encompasses them. Done in the style of their characteristic 'faction emblems' to create a striking, graphic aesthetic rarely seen in the franchise. Transformers are legal property of Hasbro.
Transformers Poster: Soundwave, Superior - A series of posters based on Hasbro's Transformers products. Each features a single character from the Transformers mythos with a one word phrase that encompasses them. Done in the style of their characteristic 'faction emblems' to create a striking, graphic aesthetic rarely seen in the franchise. Transformers are legal property of Hasbro.
Transformers Posters
Josh Lucero
Graphic Artist Denver, CO