Study to research shapes and materials. - My final year project.
Study to research colour and interaction. - My final year project.
Physiotherapy VS. Motherhood - My final year project.
Study of sitting positons & holding configurations. - My final year project.
My FYP project.
Cross section of the fully assemblied model. - My final year project.
My FYP project.
My FYP project.
My FYP project.
My FYP project.
My FYP project.
Prototyping. - My FYP project.
Building the body. - My FYP project.
Plastic side skins. - My FYP project.
My FYP project.
Operation and setup profiles - My FYP project.
My FYP project.
Exploded view of the Visual Unit of the product. - My final year project.
Exploded view of Siul Skool - My FYP project.
Siul Skool board for the University of Limerick. - My final year project.
Siul Skool
Jonathan O Toole
Chief Product Officer London, United Kingdom