Seating Design Sketches - Ideation sketches for a furniture piece based on Japanese design elements.
Seating Design Construction - Final color studies, construction images, and final completed piece. The bench was constructed of bent laminated plywood, milled lumber, foam, and sueded fabric. Finished with semi gloss paint and detailed with gold foil.
Fisher-Price Toys Geotrax Crane - While co-oping at Fisher-Price Toys I worked on the Geotrax toy line. This shows foam models that were constructed by hand by myself. There is the first version, refined version, and painted refined version. The final production piece is on the right.
Saphenous Vein Harvester - Collaborative project with the School of Biomedical Engineering. Functioned as a support role providing them with device operation storyboards. Later evaluated ergonomics of current design and explored next generation design options.
Pampers Disaster Relief - Sponsored project by Pampers Diapers to design a product or system that would benefit a mother and infant in a disaster situation. Various concepts were explored until settling on the concept of a single use diaper change packet that would include everything needed to change a diaper.
College and Intern work.
John Ficker
Softgoods Designer Cincinnati, OH