Twister Chair/Coffee Table - A chair that transforms into a coffee table
Twister Chair/Coffee Table - A chair that transforms into a coffee table
Twister Chair/Coffee Table - A chair that transforms into a coffee table
Twister transforming table/chair
Twister Chair/Coffee Table - A chair that transforms into a coffee table
2 - Screen Laptop - 2 screens , for presentation and brainstorming, game play, dual-screen work mode, more
2 - Screen Laptop - 2 screens , for presentation and brainstorming, game play, dual-screen work mode, more
2-screen laptop - multiple screens for multitasking, collaborative work, one-on-one presentations, multiplayer gaming and more
2-Screen Laptop
2-Screen Laptop
2-Screen Laptop
"Archie" cordless mouse
"Archie" cordless mouse
archie wireless mouse - wireless mouse with touch-style center scroll pad
Student Work; "Fire" Stapler - A stapler design based on the concept of fire; aluminum and mahogany final appearance model
Student Work; "Fire" Stapler - A stapler design based on the concept of fire foam and wood concept models
Student Work; "Fire" Stapler - A stapler design based on the concept of fire
core pin - an apple core-themed pushpin concept
Student work: Electronic musical instrument prototype. User uses a short metal slide to complete circuits at different positions on a guitar-like neck; Radio frequencies are generated by servo motors, which vary speed, therefore rf and pitch, which is detected by an rf-sensitive pickup and transmitted to an amplifier. Spring-loaded momentary switches activate motors, potentiometers allow for tuning (battery life affects tuning)
Joe Bonnoitt
Product Designer Nashua, NH