quebra com o preto, branco e vermelho//break from black, white and red
grotesca//grotesque - os idosos inspiram-me e interessam-me//the elderly inspire and interest me
a obscenidade//the obscenity - from portuguese to english: the obscenity got out and went to the beach.
o sonho da Inês//Inês' dream - uma amiga minha minha (chamada Inês), teve este sonho e pediu-me para o desenhar//a friend of mine (called Inês) had this dream and asked me to draw it
pequeno-almoço//breakfast - translation to english: the breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
translation to english: and in that day, the wind rained.
o fogo//the fire
the words refer to a portuguese aranzel.
meio dia//noon - uma senhora que vi na rua a vir do super mercado//an old lady I saw in the street, as she was returning from the supermarket
sem título//untitled
sem título//untitled
a besta//the beast
sem título//untitled - translation to english: the city is in flames.
o rapaz sujo//the dirty boy
filipe - um amigo meu//a friend of mine
violeta//violet - uma vez achei que se tivesse uma filha, que ela se chamaria Violeta//once I thoug that if I ever had a baby girl, she would be called Violet
translation to english: i can't see the stars without my sunglasses.
utilizando as machas de tinta-da-china que passaram através da folha//utilizing the ink spots that passed through the back sheet
dedos de açúcar//sugar fingers
translation to english: right people/some people.
translation to english: disposable people.
os lobos//the wolves
a professora//the teacher - translation to english: the teacher (thinks in digital format)
a noiva//the bride
sumo de ananás//pineapple juice
a fé//the faith
Sr. Vítor//Mr. Vítor
777 (767) - mendigo no autocarro//mendicant on the bus
translation to english: the most popular girl in the boys school.
o moribundo//dying man
a empregada//the waitress - translation to english: The deconstruction of the vintage waitress of that pretentious establishment today's-special-is-pork-loin-on-the-oven-with-potatoes-and-the-coffee-is-sixty-five-cents-we-have-lots-of-teas-and-sandwiches-what-is-your-order-very-well-i'll-be-right-back
sem título//untitled - translation to english: divinity
o imperador//the emperor
más intenções//bad intentions
sem título//untitled - Inspirado na canção da banda Los hermanos, "Último Romance"// Inspired by the song "Último Romance" ("Last Romance"), by the band Los Hermanos Translation to english: the quietness. the suffocation. to us, leaving the house it's already an adventure.
sem título//untitled - Translation to english: pornography - your Christmas present.;
triângulo//triangle - Translation to english: my name is God because I have a sign that says so.
o sonho//the dream
a doença//the disease
Translation to english: died of laughter.
sem título//untitled - Translation to english: tomorrow...?