Line, 2014. A mark made by a moving point. It has greater length than width. It directs the eye. It can be actual obvious lines or the borders or the edges of shapes.
Shape, 2014. A contained area that can be geometric and organic. It is two dimensional and flat.
Form, 2014. A three dimensional shape with height, width, and depth.
Texture, 2014. The surface quality of an object. It is how an abject feels or how it looks like it feels. It can feel rough, smooth, bumpy, gooey, sharp, etc. It adds interest.
Space, 2014. The area used or unused in a composition. It could be positive space (the area the object/subject takes up) or negative space (the area around, under, through, and between). It gives the photo a three dimensional feeling. It has foreground (closest), middle ground, and background (farthest).
Color, 2014. The artistic term for color is hue. It needs light to show color. The types of colors are primary, secondary, and intermediate. A photo uses color schemes to enhance appeal or make impact.
Value, 2014. The photo is black and white with all of the grays in between. It is ordered from dark to light. It can add drama and impact to composition. It can also give a sense of timelessness. The photo trains your eye to read color as black and white.
Texture, Shape, and Color, 2014. Texture in the rock. Shape and Color in the leaves.
Elements of Art

Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Space, Color, and Value.