Here he comes.... - I had fun doing this loveable enraged rabbit. Plan on doing more with him in the future.
Against the dark - A girl and a stuffed rabbit with a lot of attitude are going against the enemy of all time......I have no idea who that is yet but you all will know in due time.
Endangered Species?? - I had fun with this as well. Two of my bad ass characters making everyone who goes against them become apart of the endangered species list or even deceased if need be.
Kendra in the light - Kendra is a pretty young woman with goals in life. I had fun doing this picture especially with her colors.
Kendra in the dark - As you can see in this picture, Kendra has special powers but what are they? The world will know in the future. This picture was fun doing as well.
Maxine - Here is Maxine, the original Jester Girl.
Another logo using two of the Jester Girls.
Here is the logo which includes the shadow images of the Jester Girls. I am planning on doing something with this logo in the near future.
Draco Scorpio is another character that I have created in Adobe Illustrator.
Here are the Jester Girls in a variety of colors. In the future, you will see more of the Jester Girls each with their own personality as well as new color scheme.
This was a concept for a contest entry.
Illustrator Collection

This is the 2D work that I have created that will continue to grow throughout this year and beyond.

Larry Reese
Illustration Artist Atlanta, GA