Gloss Spreads - Fashion editorial 11" x 17" spreads for photographer Chayo Mata, and to be published in Slovenian fashion magazine Gloss.
Lights Camera Fashion - Poster, Billboard, bus (mass transit) signage series to promote the museum and the upcoming group of exhibition of the works of three artists of choice, who happen to have been working during the same period of time. They need not have known of the existence of the others or work in similar style or media. They must all be visual artists. Each piece must contain at least one sample of work per artist.
CADC Promotional Package - The Connecticut Art Directors Club {CADC} is a diverse community of professional talent that includes art directors, graphic designers, new media developers, copywriters, public relations professionals, illustrators, photographers and others associated with the visual communication industry. The organization needs a promotional package for their annual competition and exhibition held for students and professionals alike.