BRYN ATHYN page 1 - Exterior Signage for Historic District and College, 2009
Designed exterior signage program for Bryn Athyn, PA that includes: gateway signs, hanging destination sign, map kiosk, directionals, low destination identification sign, pedestrian tour signage and vehicle regulation signs.
BRYN ATHYN page 2 - Exterior Signage for Historic District and College, 2009
Designed exterior signage program for Bryn Athyn, PA that includes: gateway signs, hanging destination sign, map kiosk, directionals, low destination identification sign, pedestrian tour signage and vehicle regulation signs.
ADDISON GALLERY OF ART page 1 - Interior Signage for Galleries and Offices, 2009
Signage options were designed for Addison Gallery, a museum on the Phillips Academy campus in Andover, MA. The frosted glass sign system on left page was chosen and includes directionals, floor directories, donor plaques and room signs.
ADDISON GALLERY OF ART page 2 - Interior Signage for Galleries and Offices, 2009
Signage options were designed for Addison Gallery, a museum on the Phillips Academy campus in Andover, MA. The frosted glass sign system on left page was chosen and includes directionals, floor directories, donor plaques and room signs.
ROGER WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY - Wall Graphics for New Global Heritage Hall, 2009
Main lobby world map graphic is digitally printed on metal panels. Map grid is composed of circular design motifs from each continent. Classrooms have regional imagery printed on wall paper.
JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY - Interior and Exterior Signage for New Student Center, 2008
Interior and exterior stainless steel letters and window screen graphics of Providence, RI and campus area. These are part of larger graphic system for the new Student Center.
MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY page 1 - Interior Signage for New Law Building, 2009
Drawings are from the design development presentation for Marquette's new law building. Finished designs will include: main entrance wall graphic, donor wall plaques, room signage and directionals, informational kiosks with new media component, floor directories, parking garage graphics and vehicular signs.
MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY page 2 - Interior Signage for New Law Building, 2009
Drawings are from the design development presentation for Marquette's new law building. Finished designs will include:main entrance wall graphic, donor wall plaques, room signage and directionals, informational kiosks with new media component, floor directories, parking garage graphics and vehicular signs.