Finishing Touches - Digital illustration of a robot being inspected in a lab. This scene was conceived and rendered completely in Adobe Photoshop.
Character Concept - A close-up view of the character that appears in my digital piece "Finishing Touches"
Faber-Castell Package Insert with Stickers - This assignment was completed for Creativity for Kids, a brand of Faber Castell. The project includes a folding pyramid package insert and 32 stickers on an 8.5"x11" sheet. The stickers were designed after Egyptian hieroglyphics, allowing kids to have fun spelling words by sticking the hieroglyphic shapes to the insert. I used a combination of manual graphite on paper drawing with digital coloring to give the final artwork a bright, but hand-drawn and rugged feel.
Traffic - A humorous illustration depicting a distracted driver ignoring a monster outside his car. It was fun to use a more painterly digital style in Adobe Photoshop for this piece
Superhero Bootcamp Booklet Cover - This illustration was completed for the cover of an informational booklet given to families considering sending their children to a summer camp.
Character Design in progress - This is a character design project seen in it's intermediate stage of completion.
Spazm Game Board - This game board cover illustration was drawn and completed in Adobe Photoshop. Spazm is a ficticious game concept.
Diana - A digital illustration with a graphic style. It was a fun challenge to blend traditional painting technique with an edgy digital flair.
Detroit Poster - This poster uses pencil drawings and textures in addition to the Photoshop work. The cars were first carefully drawn with pencil, then colored in Photoshop
Arrival: CR1 - Character developement layout. This digital illustration is meant to clearly define a conceptual character. The illustration was rendered in Adobe Photoshop and arranged in Adobe Illustrator
Tripod - This technical piece defines and explains a mechanical character found in H.G. Wells' book, War of the Worlds. The illustrations were completed in Adobe Photoshop.
Self Promotional - This self promotional piece, completed in Adobe Photoshop, is meant to showcase a fun, illustrative style.
Children's Book Preview - This sample page for a children's book concept was used in the beginning stages of a project. It shows the progression of the artwork and the final style.
Digital Illustration

Digital work ranging from sticker pages to complex concept drawing and promotional pieces.

Jesse Brady
Illustrator and Designer Cleveland, OH