Set of various ads - Some of these ads were a set. Meaning they were created into ads and a banner was created to go on top of the page for the Rancho Santa Fe Review, Carmel Valley News, and Del Mar Vilage Voice newspaper.
Set of various ads - Some of these ads were a set. Meaning they were created into ads and a banner was created to go on top of the page for the Rancho Santa Fe Review, Carmel Valley News, and Del Mar Vilage Voice newspaper.
Set of various ads - This was the cover used for the Home and Garden Special section for the Rancho Santa Fe Review 2008
Set of various ads - Some of these ads were a set. Meaning they were created into ads and a banner was created to go on top of the page for the Rancho Santa Fe Review, Carmel Valley News, and Del Mar Vilage Voice newspaper.
Set of various ads - Some of these ads were a set. Meaning they were created into ads and a banner was created to go on top of the page for the Rancho Santa Fe Review, Carmel Valley News, and Del Mar Vilage Voice newspaper.
Set of various ads - Some of these ads were a set. Meaning they were created into ads and a banner was created to go on top of the page for the Rancho Santa Fe Review, Carmel Valley News, and Del Mar Vilage Voice newspaper.
Set of various ads - Some of these ads were a set. Meaning they were created into ads and a banner was created to go on top of the page for the Rancho Santa Fe Review, Carmel Valley News, and Del Mar Vilage Voice newspaper.
Real Estate Ads - Couple of many real estate ads created for the newspaper
Real Estate Ads - Couple of many real estate ads created for the newspaper
Set of ads with banners
Jennifer Mikaeli
Jennifer MIkaeli -Graphic Artist San Diego, CA