Ambient Technologies Website (Spring 2008) - This project was for a Web Development class and was made with Flash. I was a technology driven assignment, with Ambient Technologies as a concentrated focus. Each snapshot is kinetic to the noun described (music,light and color) and each screenshot flows smoothly into the other.
Snapshot - This ambient lighting concept was explored in the arenas of the medical field, shopping experience and home life. Light and color can affect your mood and behaviours subconsciously and knowledge of that could enhance value of life. --The colored patterns within the menu would be also be constantly kinetic to simulate the ambient lighting being described.
Snapshot - This ambient lighting concept was explored in the arenas of the medical field, shopping experience and home life. Light and color can affect your mood and behaviours subconsciously and knowledge of that could enhance value of life. --The colored patterns within the menu would be also be constantly kinetic to simulate the ambient lighting being described.
Snapshot - This ambient lighting concept was explored in the arenas of the medical field, shopping experience and home life. Light and color can affect your mood and behaviours subconsciously and knowledge of that could enhance value of life. --The colored patterns within the menu would be also be constantly kinetic to simulate the ambient lighting being described.
Ambient Technologies