Inspiration - There are certain things which bring us joy. Among them, lying in a field of dandelion speckled grass... Cuddling up in a warm blanket... This was my initial inspiration for Nuzzen: to create an eco-friendly, uplifting, and evocative place to rest your body and soul.
Quick Sketch
CAD mockup- Interior Structure
Construction: Structure - Welded and powder coated steel
Nuzzen seating - Seating that cuddles your soul... Inspired by the lotus blossom, the distinctive shape cuddles up to other furniture. Constructed using sustainable and recycled materials. Materials: welded steel structure, bent plywood, walnut veneer, recycled carpet padding upholstery cushion, woven textile upholstery fabric consisting of silk, wool, and cotton
Nuzzen seating - Seating that cuddles your soul... Through color, texture and scent our surroundings can influence our state of mind and awareness in positive ways. Constructed using sustainable and recycled materials. Materials: welded steel structure, bent plywood, walnut veneer, recycled carpet padding upholstery cushion, woven textile upholstery fabric consisting of silk, wool, and cotton
Nuzzen seating - Seating that cuddles your soul... Through color, texture and scent our surroundings can influence our state of mind and awareness in positive ways. Constructed using sustainable and recycled materials. Materials: welded steel structure, bent plywood, walnut veneer, recycled carpet padding upholstery cushion, woven textile upholstery fabric consisting of silk, wool, and cotton
Nuzzen Seating
Jennifer Romero
Product Designer/ Developer/Artist Los Angeles (area), CA